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This is the story of a baby elephant and his family [IV]

This is the story of a baby elephant and his family [IV]

And so these photographs were taken in South Africa in one of the best national parks in the world to see elephants, the Addo Elephant National Park. And the truth is that I cannot explain how incredible that moment was, since after half a year in Africa I had never had the opportunity to see so many elephants in the same place.


Until then, my encounter with elephants had been constant but focused on a few herds from different national parks. Having managed not with a herd, but with several, drinking water at the same time, with elephants of all ages interacting with each other was a magical moment.


The males practiced their lunges against each other as a game, the matriarchs came out from time to time to put order and the baby elephants scampered energetically between the legs of the adult elephants.


I spent hours in front of that lake without moving, and I saw how they came and went, dozens of elephants that simply passed by my car to go to drink water.


* In the referential mockup you are looking at images V, IV and VII in case you want to acquire the suggested series.

  • Limited Editions

    • In Methacrylate: LTD ED of 9 pcs.
    • On Photographic Paper: LTD ED of 75 pcs.